Customer service
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Frequently asked questions
How do I order Valhal Outdoor products?
Would you like to order Valhal Outdoor products? Then you can find most dealers on our dealer map. The white and blue spheres distinguish between online providers and dealers with a physical shop. White spheres indicate physical shops and blue spheres indicate online webshops. How can I become a Valhal Outdoor dealer?
If you are a company registered with your country's designated party for company registrations (like the CoC), please send us a message using the contact form on this page. We will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the possibilities and to see if we are a good match. How can I invoke the guarantee of a Valhal Outdoor product?
In the unlikely event of a problem with your Valhal Outdoor product and this is not caused by poor maintenance or use, you can invoke the warranty by contacting the Valhal Outdoor dealer where you purchased the product. We advise you to clearly describe the problem, to send pictures and of course your proof of purchase. Can I send you photos of a cooking session with Valhal Outdoor products?
Yes, of course! We'd love to receive photo's! You can share the photo with us on instagram by tagging @valhaloutdoor. Would you rather share the photo via email? You can mail your photo to Please also mention if we are allowed to share the photo freely. |
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